Advisory Program

At Beijing Enlighten School we believe that every student is unique and with the right support and care can achieve. Social and Emotional learning is at the core of everything that our teachers and staff do on a daily basis. This is planned in our lessons, after school programs, enrichment courses and all school wide activities. 


In middle school students are assigned to a homeroom. Each homeroom is assigned two teachers who work as a team to support and care for the students assigned to them. This is often a combination of a foreign and Chinese teacher where possible. These teachers follow the Ruler program which we have been approved to run by Yale university and runs at the start of every day. This program is aimed at developing students social and emotional intelligence along with core skills which are essential for their studies. Along with this each homeroom attends two periods of dedicated Social and Emotional Learning each week.


On top of all this we have also this semester launched our Advisor program to make sure each student has the individualized support they need to be successful at school. Every student in our middle school has been assigned to a teacher. Advisors and Tutee’s meet once a week for 30 minutes in order to discuss a range of topics from school life to interests and achievements outside of school. Advisors are assigned based on the needs and interest of the students in order to make sure that the relationships developed are positive and help to drive the students’ passion and strengths at school.




There are 6 key aims for this program which are:


·To ensure every pupil is given help in developing personal skills, in growing towards spiritual and moral maturity, and in extending academic capabilities to the full thus becoming more independent and ready to accept personal responsibility.

·For Advisors to know and understand their tutees as well as possible and to strive to become accepted as the person to whom they can turn for help, advice or guidance.

·For Advisors to encourage pupils to develop, both a sense of social responsibility to the school community and to contribute positively to the life of the school.

·To encourage the pupils to maintain the highest possible standards regarding the presentation of self.

·To encourage positive decision making at all stages of their journey through BES.

·For advisors to be a positive role model for their tutees.


Advisors are the first point of contact for students when they have any issue at school or at home. Our advisors have been trained on their roles and responsibilities to the program. Each advisor will also hold summary meetings with their tutees at the end of each semester to help them set achievable goals for them to strive towards. At Beijing Enlighten School we genuinely believe that the student comes first, and this program helps to make sure that students needs are met. 


As the school grows and the program develops, we hope to expand this supportive system. As students move up to our high school in the future, we hope that our students can take the skills learned during this program and become peer advisors to younger students in the school. Students will be able to offer help with life in middle school, how to deal with pressure, how to become organized with homework and how to communicate more effectively with their classmates and teachers. 


Developing a supportive and sustainable community is a driving goal at Beijing Enlighten School and this program is just one way in which we develop community support and a sense of family.


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