International Department | AP, A- Level, OSSD

EICC International Curriculum Center of Excellence is affiliated to Beijing Zhizhi School, which introduces Mr. Jin Guoqing, who has 13 years of experience in running international schools, to create a superior education upgrade model based on the concept of happy learning. Excellence Academy aims to cultivate enthusiasm for learning and let every student experience the happiness of learning. It attaches importance to every child and allows them to grow up happily and happily in an environment where they are cared for, encouraged, and recognized, and for their individualization Provide support for development.

In the teacher team, 90% of Chinese teachers have a graduate degree or above, and all have experience in studying abroad and international education and training. Foreign teachers all have a master's or doctoral degree, and all have professional professional qualification certificates.


Path to higher education


Curriculum Setting

1. Excellent Red Rattan Experimental Class

In order to maximize the comprehensive ability of the "golden rooster independent" and "outstanding" students led by a certain discipline specialty, the excellent Hongteng experimental class cultivates students' ability of independent academic research and academic exchange on the basis of excellent results in specialty courses and standardized examinations, so as to help students enter famous universities in the world.

  • Purpose: Students' subject expertise can be fully valued and further excavated and cultivated.
  • Teaching: professional courses are taught independently, with fast progress and great difficulty. Some special subjects enter AP or higher difficulty courses in grade 10.
  • Teachers: rattan school teachers, professional doctors, tutors, teaching assistants and other all-round teaching, strengthen students in specialty projects to explore cutting-edge issues and research methods.
  • Resources: Competition resources are fully supported to assist students to enter various levels of competition for professional training.
  • Higher education: impact on the top 50 universities in the world such as rattan schools or G5 in the UK.


2. American double credit AP class

Working closely with American Senior high school, let students win at the starting line when they enter higher education, and register for both American Senior high school and American universities. Under the fierce competition in the future, our students' road to entering American universities has become a smooth road.

  • Student status: registered in an American school, graduated from an American Senior high school diploma, and has a high degree of recognition from American universities.
  • Effectiveness: access to the United States Senior high school and the United States University double section credits, seamless convergence of American universities.
  • Courses: in the Senior high school stage, synchronous first American freshman credits, optional AP, save learning time, to prove the strength.
  • Teachers: American professors, high-end teachers, bilingual tutors and teaching assistants to help improve.
  • Higher education: the former 100 universities in the United States directly guarantee the bottom, sprint to the top 30 in the United States, and have no worries about further education.


3. Canada OSSD Class

The Excellence Canada OSSD class is jointly established by the Excellence International Curriculum Center and Toronto High Quality High School certified by the Ontario Education Bureau of Canada, and is registered as a Senior high school student in Ontario, Canada. OSSD is the most authoritative and highly recognized non-examination-oriented education system in the world. It pays attention to the learning process, the curriculum content is practical, fully stimulates students' thinking, and has obvious advantages in applying for colleges and universities.

  • Features: non-examination-oriented education, pay attention to process evaluation, avoid a test set for life.
  • Courses: take Canadian OSSD credit courses, offline teaching to ensure the quality of students' learning.
  • Credits: flexible transfer, flexible credit transfer with international classes of domestic general high school and other systems.
  • Teachers: Canadian local excellent teachers and Chinese international bilingual teachers are integrated, and knowledge and language are improved simultaneously.
  • Further studies: in grade 12, you can choose to study in China or Canada, obtain the globally recognized OSSD Senior high school graduation certificate, and enter the university through 101 channels for local students in Ontario, Canada, ensuring TOP10 admission. at the same time, you can apply for world schools in other countries.


4. British A- Level Class

The UK A- Level of Excellence programme takes the UK IGCSE and A- Level International Qualifications programme. A- Level is one of the most systematic international courses. It is the main reference for admission to British universities and the "gold standard" for admission to world-class universities ". Open a number of subjects, advocate the advantages of disciplines and professional-oriented personalized choice.

  • Authority: International certified IGCSE and A- Level course center and examination center.
  • Educational system: oriented to the advantages of disciplines and professional, open 2 years IGCSE 2 years A- Level.
  • Courses: a wide range of subjects, including English, mathematics, science (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry), liberal arts (history, economics, psychology, etc.), art and design, drama, economics, information technology, geography, French, German,
  • Japanese, music, sports, statistics and other courses to choose, fully foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses.
  • Teachers: dedicated and professional Chinese and foreign teachers team, recognized by students and parents.
  • Further studies: British universities can apply for exemption from preparatory courses, and the top 20 in the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong and small language countries in Germany, Japan and France.


5. Hong Kong DSE Class

The introduction of the world's only international entrance examination DSE, which can choose Chinese examination papers, is recognized by Hong Kong, Macao and QS universities around the world. The DSE curriculum is fully integrated with the knowledge of Senior high school textbooks at the beginning of the Mainland,It is a relatively labor-saving path for Chinese students to enter international Chinese.

  • Features: The world's only simplified Chinese answer international standardized test.
  • Courses: There is a high proportion of overlapping knowledge with the mainland college entrance examination. Students choose 4 compulsory courses (Chinese, English, mathematics and general education), and choose 2-3 courses according to their own strengths.
  • Teachers: experienced foreign teachers, bilingual teachers and Hong Kong teachers, working together to ensure the quality of teaching.
  • Higher education: DSE is the best path for Chinese students to enter international Chinese, and it is also the path for Hong Kong students to enter domestic famous universities.

Campus Life

Campus design integrates the Chinese quadrangle and European courtyard, with natural materials, open space, and is built in compliance with international environmental protection standards. Each area is unique, open, and contemporary, providing students with a safe, healthy learning and leisure environment.